Pittsburgh Forest Products Company
Pittsburgh Forest Products is a family business that
serves industry and community. We are a socially and
environmentally sensitive company, and recognize that we have an
ethical responsibility to our customers, suppliers, and
employees. Our facilities are sited, constructed, and maintained
with environmental sensitivity.
Our Mission
We provide customers with dependable service,
quality products, and outstanding value. We provide our suppliers
with reliable, long-term business and profitable margins. We
provide our employees with generous benefits, profit sharing, and
constant encouragement to pursue their dreams. And, PFP promotes a
healthy environment through the Forestry Fund reforestation program
that will make the world a better place for all of us.
Our History
Our company was founded in 1972 as a
manufacturers’ representative that offered sales services to small
forest products companies. From calling on furniture and kitchen
cabinet makers, PFP grew into a multi-person agency and has now
evolved to a hardwood plywood wholesaler, distributor and importer
Who we are today
Today, wood veneer products and plywood are
the mainstays of our product line. Our specialty is providing
products to customers from around the world. With marketing and
sourcing now global, logistics have become a necessary prerequisite
for success. If hardwood plywood cannot be delivered on time,
competitively, and within specifications, global sourcing is not
effective. PFP meets these challenges through inventory programs
and domestic sourcing.
How can we help you?